Embodiment and Experiential Knowledge
Authors: Nithikul Nimkulrat, Camilla Groth
peer-reviewed conference paper, 2022
The Experiential Knowledge SIG track at the DRS2022 emphasizes the process of making as an act of accumulating experiential knowledge and examines possible modes of communicating such knowledge. We invited submissions that open up the processes of various human-material, human-object, and human-environment interaction in design practice. The EKSIG track thus provides a forum for a debate on design and making practice in research contexts and on such practice as a process of material-based and artefact- mediated thinking.
Suggested Citation: Nimkulrat, N., and Groth, C. (2022). Embodiment and Experiential Knowledge. In D. Lockton, S. Lenzi, P. Hekkert, A. Oak, J. Sádaba, & P. Lloyd, P. (eds.) Proceedings of 2022 Design Research Society Conference (DRS2022). 25 June–3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.1073.