Knot Designs Based on Rhombille Tiling Notations
Authors: Nithikul Nimkulrat, Tuomas Nurmi
peer-reviewed conference paper, 2018
A textile practitioner works in collaboration with a mathematician to examine textile knot practice and create novel knot designs using mathematical tiling methods, in particular the rhombille tiling. This paper reveals ways in which tiling notations were used to visualize novel patterns and structures.
Suggested Citation: Nimkulrat, N. & Nurmi, T. (2018). Knot Designs Based on Rhombille Tiling Notations. In E. Torrence, B. Torrence, C. H. Séquin, K. Fenyvesi, and C. S. Kaplan (eds.) Proceedings of Bridges 2018: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture (pp. 507–510). Phoenix, Az: Tessellations.