From Mathematical Diagrams to Knotted Textiles
Authors: Nithikul Nimkulrat, Janette Matthews
peer-reviewed conference paper, 2014
This paper describes an ongoing collaboration between a textile practitioner-mathematician and a textile practitioner-researcher, and their investigation of certain knotted textiles from a mathematical viewpoint. The paper examines (1) how mathematical diagrams that characterize an individual craft knot may facilitate the design and production of a new knotted structure and (2) how other connected mathematical concepts, such as braid theory, may be used to characterize knotted textiles. The results of this collaboration are expected to shed light on the role of mathematics in making the experiential knowledge of a knotting process more explicit and the significance of collaborative projects on textile design development.
Suggested Citation: Nimkulrat, N. & Matthews, J. (2014). From Mathematical Diagrams to Knotted Textiles. In G. Greenfield, G. W. Hart and R. Sarhangi (eds.) Proceedings of Bridges Seoul 2014: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture (pp. 219-224). Phoenix, Az: Tessellations.